All clients of JustSeventy become friends, but those who return again and again really do become family. A simple brief of just 26 guests: intimate, personal and special ensured this event was a joyful concept for this milestone birthday party.
Held at the glorious Four Seasons Hotel Hampshire, the guests started the evening’s journey in the Drawing Room where photos of friends and family, all framed, were set out in a way to look like the clients’ lounge at home. Such a personal touch was a seemingly uncontrived way to instantly set the tone.
While the dinner may have been for a smaller number of people, the level of entertainment and care taken was by no means reduced. Additional staff were brought in for increased levels of attentive service, and a busking duo created a light-hearted atmosphere to compliment a comic magician.
Guests were seated around a spectacularly styled table: a custom copper top was made to fit over the venue’s existing table, and this was adorned with a modern colourful floral design. The bright colours were intended to be a reflection of the couple’s vibrant and artistic personalities which was clear for all to see.
To the surprise of the guests, the beautifully designed copper table was not purely aesthetic but instead also functional for the final stage of the meal… dessert. Almost as choreographed yet fluid as dancers, four chefs emerged from the kitchen and artistically presented the dessert directly on to the table. No plates just swooshes of sauce, curls of chocolate and a sprinkling of magic – the guests couldn’t believe their eyes. A range of desserts for all tastes, combined with some theatre, thanks to the talented team, left all guests with wide eyes and full stomachs!
Taking place at a residential location, at the end of such a joyous evening, the guests could quite simply retire to their luxurious bedrooms for a good night’s sleep and dreams of the evenings incredible experience.
To have the team at JustSeventy create a magical experience for you, contact us on the form below, at [email protected] or call us on 020 7060 7170