A new venue for so many of the guests, Illuminate at the Science Museum is a wonderful blank-canvas industrial space allowing for pure creativity and endless options in the centre of London. The JustSeventy team were given a brief of Japanese design and Manga, combining style and technology which would sit perfectly within a Science Museum setting.
With long dining tables set around the edge of the dance-floor, the contemporary and linear design followed throughout the space. Cool lighting, clean lines and minimalism combined with complex creativity produced a unique event for all involved.
No Japanese-themed party would be complete without origami, therefore this was incorporated into escort cards and menus as an intricate feature. Place cards were created from chopstick holders and bento boxes were served. When wishing to fully immerse guests in a particular theme, choosing colours and centrepieces isn’t enough… it is the food, the design, the details, and these are all of the things which the JustSeventy team ensured were in place to give an authentic Japanese feel.
Amidst the neon orange and green pops of colour around the room were various sources of entertainment. Simulators, a magician and a neon artist formed just part of the evening where the barmitzvah boy’s friends could hang out together and enjoy the celebrations.
Significant time had gone into creating bespoke content to be shown on the screens around the main room. A mixture of footage from Tokyo and Japan as a whole, combined with content provided by the family was a real joy for all to watch and helped to set the scene.
Around the room, beautifully curated custom Manga pieces covered the walls. The distinctive colours and style of Manga could only enhance the overall Japanese theme. With cherry blossom and pops of UV enhanced colours, all of the guests felt like they were in East Asia instead of West London!
With a wide dance floor to fill, all of the guests enjoyed partying to a DJ Live group by ALR, encouraged by dancers in bespoke costumes to suite the occasion. To add the pièce de résistance and provide a final surprise, the shutters lifted, revealing panoramic nighttime views of a twinkly London skyline. An incredible night, all in front of a fantastic view and a DJ Booth with bespoke ‘Drink Sake Stay Soba’ sign, this was a unique and memorable Japanese-themed barmitzvah.
To have the team at JustSeventy create a magical experience for you, contact us on the form below, at [email protected] or call us on 020 7060 7170